Monday, February 23, 2015

Boston Massacre Reenactment

245th Anniversary of the Boston Massacre

Old State House
Saturday, March 7

The Old State House will be abuzz with a full day of family-friendly activities on March 7, 2015 commemorating and reenacting the Boston Massacre.

Little Redcoats and Little Bostonians - interactive program for children
10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Learn what life was like for Bostonians and British soldiers in Boston in the months leading up to the Boston Massacre. Free; in front the Old State House.

Blood on the Snow - short history theater performance
11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Delve into the stark choices that faced the British Acting Governor Thomas Hutchinson in the aftermath of the Massacre as shocked Bostonians demanded immediate action to prevent further bloodshed. Actors will present a scene from Patrick Gabridge's original drama, Blood on the Snow. Free with museum admission; in the Old State House.

Trial of the Century - interactive program for all ages
11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Watch patriot lawyers John Adams and Josiah Quincy defend the British soldiers accused of murdering Bostonians. Audience members are invited to act as witnesses and jurors for this celebrated case. Free with museum admission; in the Old State House. (Space is limited; tickets for both performances go on sale at 9:00 a.m. at the Old State House Museum front desk.)

Boston Massacre Reenactment
7:00 p.m.
Witness the Boston Massacre reenacted in front of the Old State House, in the very area where it took place in March 1770. Before the action unfolds, hear from patriots, loyalists, and moderates who will talk about the events and attitudes that led to that fateful night. Free; in front of the Old State

Friday, February 13, 2015

Coding and Typing websites for Vacation and Blizzard

If you're indoors during our next snowstorm and over vacation and are interested in going on line, you can continue with Coding by logging on to :

You can go to to write a code for Elsa and Anna.

Spending just a few minutes everyday practicing your typing will go a long way in helping you become a proficient typist.  If you'd like to practice log on to:

Username: zzfirstname
Password: type

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Parent Information Night Regarding PARCC

Here's a link to the information given at the Parent Information Night on PARCC testing:

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

PARCC Testing Practice

Today we had the opportunity to take a PARCC Tutorial on the Chromebooks in class. The students learned how to use all of the navigation tools provided on the on-line test. They were all patient and good listeners as we worked our way through the tutorial together. The students had an opportunity to try out all of the 'tools' from highlighting and magnifying to answer masking and the answer eliminator. The class surprised me with how well they mastered each task. 
We will continue to practice in class with a few more practice sessions before the first PARCC testing in March. Mrs. Richards, our Reading Specialist, will also be in to work with us on the ELA portion of the test. 

On Wednesday, March 11th we will 'officially' begin with a practice test .
On 3/19 and 3/20 the students will be taking Math exams and
On 3/23, 3/24 and 3/25 students will be taking the ELA PARCC exam.

For more information and to see what we did in class today log on to :

Select "Test Preparation"
Today we did the 'Tutorial'
We will be taking the 'Practicd Tests' later this week .

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thank you,